So I was doing some work on a long shot to make it into a spartan-shot like the ones that drac makes and I got everything together and it just feels great the maverick is meant to be underneath the longshot I absolutely love it. There was just one thing I didn't like was that it took me at least an hour to get to where I am. ca
you can see that I still need to paint it and fill in the gap between the two guns. I'm thinkin royal purple with gold details.
anyways like i said it took forever to do and was quite tedious so I came up with this I took a piece of pvc and cut it to about the length of the rail attachment drilled 2 holes into the pvc and cut it in half
here you can see I connected a maverick and recon barrel by putting the pvc on either side and putting the two bolts through the holes and tightening them
here's a mavploy or something like that
comparison between the mavploy and the spartanshot
maverick and longshot combo
this can be done with any two guns with a rail attachment and is super easy to do.
if you have any questions feel free to ask
Peace Out,
Moodyjsupt :)