Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The Nerf Vortex Diatron (How It Works???)
So I saw some of the pictures of the vortex Diatron that were on Amazon and this really intrigued me. I got to wondering how they might work. After a little while I came up with a relatively sound idea of the inner workings of the diatron. here are the pictures of the diatron.
I will do my best to explain how I feel the new Diatron works. To help me in this I will use the proton as a reference point.
So let's begin. The Diatron will have two sleds or barrels. They will be stacked one on top of the other. This can be seen by the size of the opening on the front of the diatron. The diatron will also be sporting two torsion spings much like the ones seen in the proton. The torsion springs will be parallel to one another. There will be two arms as well (no duh Sherlock) the arm that will go on the left will be shorter and will fire the disc in the bottom barrel/sled. The right arm will be slightly longer and will fire the top barrel/sled. In order for this to work a groove will have to be cut out in the bottom barrel/sled to allow the second arm to swing and fire the disc in the top barrel.
As far as how the blaster is loaded I believe it will be very similar to the vigilon.
That is about as far as I got on speculating. If you have any questions or comments please post them below. let me know your thoughts on the vortex diatron.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
nerf moive suggestions and other cool stuff
hope you all enjoy the video and please don't forget to leave a comment with your ideas
peace out Moodyjsupt
peace out Moodyjsupt
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Strongarm
So I was Looking at some of my favorite nerf blogs tactical tag and urban taggers and saw this picture. the one thing that stood out to me was the it said it has slam-fire. which is completely new for the maverick. this would also suggest that that barrel has to rotate when the blaster is primed. All of this got me uber exited and I've already begun thinking about cool things to do with the strongarm. thus far there have been a lot of blasters released or about to be released under the N-strike elite line so far we have.
hailfire/vulcan I guess
jolt no name as of yet :(
This leaves us with just a handful of the n-strike line not converted to elite.
I think we can look forward to an elite stampede and an elite Longstrike or other form of sniperish blaster. I don't want an elite deploy nothing cool really. The one blaster that everybody seems to want elite is the alphatrooper. while this would be cool I don't think this will happen as it is a target exclusive for the most part. this is all just speculation of course let me know what you think.
Peace out,
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Nerf Battle of the Ads
Nerf is having a battle of the ads I am thinking that I might give it a go. I'll post the video here first to let you guys see it. If you make a video send me a link I'd love to see it. you can find info for it on nerfs facebook page.
Peace out,
Monday, July 9, 2012
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rampage Review
Hope you all enjoy my review of the Elite rampage if you have any questions about the blaster leave a comment and I will do my best to answer it.
Peace out and happy nerfing,
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