Saturday, September 10, 2011

vortex blasters and stuff

Just got back from a nerf war and had a great time. I used the vigilon and it performed outstandingly. The discs that I painted didn't have to much wear just little scuffs here and there nothing to major. I still did manage lose some of the discs though they seemed to disappear almost mainly because the grass was high. I also got to play with the praxis a little bit its a sturdy gun and I like the clip. Its not huge and the discs are easy to load. A few things that I noticed was that the discs traveled much slower than darts. this allowed for them to be easily blocked by melee weapons which I took full advantage of.
This is something that bothered me when I bought my gun there was no refills for the ammo and it is fairly expensive when compared to dart.
someone tried to tell me that the vortex nitron is only semi-auto. To this I said no it is also full auto. he then said I researched it. I just left it go and thought where the hell does he get his intel. so to all those out there who think the nitron is only semi auto like the barricade it's not. here check the nerf website
it says fully automatic.
any ways
peace out and let me hear your thoughts on the vortex line,


  1. they sure do. we should do some colaboration stuff with our blogs and see how that goes
